The city I love , the place I was born, is still magical and mesmerizing as it follows its rhythms of life. These pictures were taken over the last few years on my trips back home to reconnect with what is essential for my soul.
The city of Srinagar was built around the beautiful Dal Lake, the "Hari Parbat Fort" and the marshes which sustained the city for thousands of years. After thousands of years the marshes are depleting and a way of life disappearing. The web is fraying.
Today, as we head manically down the road of self-destruction, in search of more things, higher numbers, and constant need for self gratification........the goals are never met and the web of life keeps fraying as we bounce on it ever higher for things that we cannot reach or see.
Nature is waiting patiently for us to acknowledge our place in this web , as a part, and not the arbitrator or executor of this play
Let us all take this moment to pause, disconnect, look deep inside and reflect. When we reconnect, let us do it with a little more purpose, with a little more understanding, with softer feelings, with humility and revelation of what it is that truly makes us human. Let us understand and stake our place in this web and guard it like our lives depend on it. For they do.
Let us appreciate again the butterflies in our backyards, the flowers and the bees, the rainfall, the renewal of waterways, the snowfalls on the hills and the cycle of birth and death for us and the whole of creation. For we are part of this beautiful rhythm and not separate from it.