The majesty of this place makes you understand your place in this Universe a little better. We are but meant to witness the beauty of the unfolding flow of time, and witnessing, we enmesh bits and pieces of that time in the web of memories that we hope will survive beyond our mere existence. It may not be for us to change but only to be one with the unfolding entropy around us. Things fall apart but beauty remains.

As we hurtle towards our eventual demise, we create entanglement of our quantum memories to the ever changing and flowing landscape of time with the hope that something with be saved, some memories preserved and pickled in the ether of the universe
Every sunset in this otherworldly place is the most spectacular firework of colors that pour out of the sky like a bouquet of flowers carelessly strewn across the horizon by the departing sun. A photographers dream, the images are embedded in my dreams for ever.